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Digi Chivetta is a Massachusetts-based artist who studied fashion design at Pratt Institute. After graduation, she worked closely with Soho Publishing, with her knitwear designs being featured multiple times in Vogue Knitting and various books. When autoimmune diseases robbed her of the ability to knit, she began infusing her passion for textiles and handcrafts into fine art.


Digi’s evolution into fine art has allowed her to switch media often. From tiny carvings to large-scale embroidered canvases, she uses every tool at her disposal to create dynamic works overflowing with rich symbolism. In May of 2020, her work was featured at the Venice International Art Fair in Venice, Italy. In August of 2022, she received a commission to paint a mural in the Fitchburg Abolitionist Park. In 2023, Digi participated in an artist residency at the Fitchburg Art Museum that culminated in an exhibition entitles "Dialogues, Diasporas, and Detour Through Africa". 






Worcester Magazine (May 2022)

Sentinel & Enterprise (Sept 2022) 

Sentinel & Enterprise (Oct 2022)


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