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It's Spooky Girl Spring!

This year, to celebrate the spring equinox, I hosted a community-building dinner with AtTheTable at Pauper's Pantry! My bestie, Talitha ( of Talitha Dance), came all the way from NYC to be my co-host.

To prepare for the dinner, I researched the natal charts of all the participants and did a group tarot reading. I meditated on that information while I created a painting that acted as a custom tarot card for the night. I performed my original oríkì (praise poetry) to open the dinner, accompanied by Jodie Rachman on the ukelele.

It felt like my oríkì cast a spell on all the dinner guests. Although Talitha and I had a number of icebreakers planned, we didn't need to do a single one. It took us the whole three hours just to go around the table and make introductions. The ladies didn't just share their names; they shared their identities. Many of these women crossed paths and lived near each other for years, but this was the first time they truly met. It was wonderful to witness.

Since the Spring Equinox coincides with the eclipse season, I paid close attention to the North Nodes on everyone's birth charts. Without getting too deep into the astrological jargon, your North Node determines the direction of your destiny. Your North Node placement reveals the special gift you were born with, which you'll continue to grow into as you age. The energy of eclipses activates your north and south nodes. Therefore, it's helpful to understand your strengths and be mindful of your weaknesses to take advantage of the eclipse season energy.

In my birth chart, my North Node is in Pisces and makes a square with Chiron. This means that my path is marked by spiritual depth, peace, and acceptance. The Pisces energy gives me strong intuition and the ability to see the interconnectedness of life. Chiron represents the wounded healer. The fact that my North Node squares Chiron indicates an affinity for creating safe spaces that promote healing. I did just that by hosting that Spring Equinox Dinner! I felt so at ease and in line with the universe.

Book a tarot consultation to learn how to maximize your natural gifts or click here to book me as a host for your next community-building event!

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